
in this post: rabbitholes featuring 2003 pop-punk christmas covers, ramblings on celebrating holidays as an adult child of immigrants and the existential dread and guilt that ensues, and how i'm not looking forward to going back to my Corporate Costume after i stayed up until 3 AM reading the 2019 and 2023 shareholder reports containing salary information and compensation for C-suite executives

on holiday music

On Christmas Day, MP sent this to KR and I:

Sufjan Stevens' "Silver and Gold" (2012; recorded 2006-2012) is the only Christmas music I will ever voluntarily listen to.

My primary contribution of un-cheery Christmas music to add to the list1 was Fall Out Boy's "Yule Shoot Your Eye Out" (2003), written for an incredible compilation called A Santa Cause: It's a Punk Rock Christmas (not on Spotify), which also featured other favourites:

I really do not care for any form of 'traditional' Christmas-time music but find myself wanting to participate in other people's happier Christmas traditions, like watching Elf (2003) with my partner. The only holiday music that makes sense to me are the songs instilled with the appropriate angst that I experienced growing up, which I find is likely so potent and epigenetically coded within me that it quickly activates when I return to my familiar environment, the childhood home that is more or less identical to how I remembered it growing up. Last year, MP, KR, and I went to go see Taking Back Sunday at Starland Ballroom, so all of this is very fitting and full circle under this new full moon.

on holidays as an adult child of immigrants

The year-end/year-beginning holidays have long ceased to be celebratory periods in my life, and it's always been something that I have felt (or created) a lot of shame around. It's a reminder of my absent-but-present father, who effectively moved back to his home country (my parents are not divorced) when I was 12 but still visits during these holidays, which actually spans the time period separating our birthdays. It's hard to have to face that resentment during a supposedly 'joyous' occasion (it is, in fact, not joyous but actually disturbing that we can and that we do celebrate holidays with what is essentially being livestreamed on a daily basis from Gaza; it is disturbing and confusing, conflicting, to know that American bombs rained down on your parents when they were younger, and now they eat and drink and don't talk on any level of current events to each other, to their kids, and that the language barrier between you and them only exacerbates it; but I'm a coward because my 12 year-old-self's method of survival in this environment kicked in, I saw how old they were and what they had been through, my mom, especially, my dad, in poorer physial health than I last remembered, though both are able-bodied and physically healthy, all things considered, I wanted to create some happy memories, I can pay the cost of the pain in my soul, I'm already doing it for a salary anyway...)

I don't think the holidays were always complicated for me, though perhaps once I had successfully began to internalise and convince myself that I wasn't worthy of deserving gifts, it didn't really seem necessary to have a holiday, I felt awkward receiving gifts and felt immense pressure in trying to reciprocate but fearing that a bad gift would equate me to be a bad person because of the implied character flaws it would highlight, which may not be completely false -- just part of being human. My perception of financial strain on my family trained me away from being able to articulate my wants to them, marking them off as frivolous; what only mattered was that I maintain the role of the 'easiest' child to raise by any means necessary. In reality, that has cost me a lot in my adult life since it essentially taught me to be a shapeshifting people pleaser in many aspects of my life, especially during my college and graduate school years, and is part of the reason that there is a disconnect between what I do professionally and Everything Else That Seems Like It's Me since the Professional Persona is the "safe" one and the Real Me seems to be in direct opposition to that.

One thing I am trying to be more mindful of in the next few days is to try to build some friendlier moments at home before I go back to my Real World Stress Ball in New York.

Real World Stress Ball in New York

Among the items contained in my Real World Stress Ball in New York:

What's the goal this year? Maybe something along the lines of not getting stuck in perfectionist thinking to enact meaningful change in my life? I always have an issue of going from 0 to 100 and then back down to 0 and inefficiently using what energy I feel I have, but logically, tackling the new job to lead to the new apartment could be the optimal order (though not the only one I suppose...)

bonus activity!

By the way, if you want to feel angered and disturbed about the world we live in (re: capitalism), I invite you to look up any company's Form 10-K, paying special attention to the difference from 2019 (pre-pandemic) to now.

For me, I was completely oblivious to the fact that C-suites have outrageous severance contracts -- from 2019 to 2023 for a company, I saw an increase of 3 to over 10X the amount in "Potential Payments" should they need to offer a severance package to any of these people, and it made me think about how hard I worked during that time period, what kind of stresses I had to endure in the workplace and my life, and how it is going to completely wear me down if I don't try something different...

an attempt at ending on a lighter note

I joined my workplace's virtual Kwanzaa celebration this year, and it was probably the most worthwhile event of the entire year for me. (Seriously, fuck work). Here's a link for the seven tenents of Kwanzaa which I've been contemplating since being re-educated on it in my adult life. I guess if there's any holiday tradition I want to attempt to incorporate in an effort to 'take back' the good sentiments that are allegedly felt and shared, this would be the one.


  1. My other contribution was not as exciting once I remembered the other songs on A Santa Cause and read the Wikipedia page. However, it was My Chemical Romance's "All I Want for Christmas is You" (2004)

  2. One of my last.fm accounts in 5th grade featured a profile picture that was a gif composed of a series of pictures in which my friend, in her Saosin shirt, threw a Harry Potter book at me, in an orange-and-yellow baseball-style stop, because I creeped up on her while she was reading said book. I thank CJ for introducing me to Saosin and hope she's well these days as I lost contact after 6th grade.

  3. A family friend asked me if I was planning on buying property and alluded that my parents may be able to help me out with a down payment (I don't see this being feasible). Somehow I have it in my mind that I cannot get a place until my mom and my sister have separate places, and then I get angered by the unfulfilled promises made by my dad to my mom, my sisters, or the fact that he said he wouldn't come here if his family wasn't here, a remark implying obligation, devoid of feeling emotion.

#personal #stoned